The 20 Days to Organise and Clean Your Home Challenge

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

I am so excited to share with you that the ’20 Days to Organise and Clean your Home’ Challenge is back!

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I ran this challenge back in 2012 and it was a huge success for so many feeling lost and out of control of their own homes. I am thrilled to run it again.  However this time will be a little different, I’m running it as an eCourse.

Why I started the 20 Days to Organise and Clean your home challenge

In June 2012 my life was turned upside down with the unexpected loss of my mum. There were weeks where I struggled to get out of bed, I had a constant headache and just felt lost. Cleaning and organising the home was the last thing on my mind. However after a few weeks I soon realised that the mess, filthy floors and corners with clutter wasn’t helping my state of mind.  I needed to get my house back into shape to help lift my mood and help me find my happy self again.  I managed to get my house back into order by following the steps through this challenge.  I always feel calmer and less stressed with the house tidy, clean and organised.

Challenge starts on 6th October 2014

This challenge will:

  • Help you organise your day so it’s working for you, not against you
  • Show you strategies to keep in control of household tasks
  • Share mindful parenting techniques that will stop you nagging the kids
  • and so much more

{The Organised Housewife} Organising the dirty laundry 5Why an eCourse?

This challenge will be run as an online training course.  You will be given access each day to the new tasks via the ’20 Days to Organise and Clean your Home’ website.  It has a secure login so only those that have purchased the course have access. The site is very easy to use.

Publishing the challenge as an eCourse has so many benefits, the big one being that the you will have easy access to challenge content that will not be mixed with other content from The Organised Housewife blog.

  • For simplicity
  • To make it manageable
  • Prevent overwhelm
  • A daily step by step guide for each task
  • Life time access so you can participate for FREE when run in the future
  • And you will have my support and help every step of the way

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What is included

  1. Access to the ’20 Days to Organise and Clean your Home’ members online website
  2. 5 pre-challenge tasks, to help set you up for success through the challenge
  3. An email each weekday for 4 weeks which will include a link to the new task
  4. A daily to-do list printable, complete with each task
  5. Photos and ideas from my own home and experiences
  6. Checklists a plenty – to help you clean each room of the home, create routines and more
  7. Exclusive access to the private Facebook group
  8. My support – my assistant Kate or I will answer all your emails and be there with you every step of the way

daily sheet 20 day challenge

What to expect each day

Each day consists of the following tasks:

  • Clean
  • Organise
  • Declutter
  • New Habit
  • 5 minutes only

Is this challenge right for you?

  • Help you to create routines within your home
  • Reclaim your space with effective organising solutions
  • You don’t know where to start
  • Take control of your home
  • Stop nagging your partner and kids
  • You have always wanted to make a change but didn’t know how

Then this challenge is for you.  Take back control and make a home you feel relaxed in.

click here to join 1

Why 20 Days?

To prevent overwhelm each new task is unlocked at the beginning of the day

the secret to getting ahead is getting started

We will clean and organise most rooms in the home, chat about the benefits of planning and even make sure your first aid kit is stocked properly!

When does it start?

The 5 pre challenge tasks will be available to you instantly after you have purchased the eCourse.  I did this just in case you are going away over the school holidays you can be prepared and have everything ready to go on the 6th October 2014.  The challenge will be completed on Friday 31st October.

What if I don’t have time?

I understand that everybody has different aged or number of children, schedules or work commitments so please adapt these tasks around your time and family.  If you are not able to complete one of them that is perfectly OK, it can be finished at a different time as you have lifetime access to the content and the facebook group.  This allows you to revisit any of the tasks at any time.

Will the challenge run again?

The 20 Days to Organise and Clean your home challenge will be offered again in the early months of 2015, dates yet to be confirmed.

The Logistics

  • Mobile Friendly – you can access all the information from your mobile devices
  • Lifetime Membership – you will have access to the ’20 Days to Organise and Clean your Home Challenge’ any time it is offered.  This means you only pay once but you can participate each time this challenge is run.  You will get access to any new printables and information added in the future.
  • Day by day – each day’s task will be unlocked early that morning, you will be able to access all past challenge days.  However I have chosen to give you access slowly so it doesn’t become too overwhelming for you.
  • Registration – will close 5pm Sunday 5th October.

Create the home you have always wanted

sign up now

The 20 Day Challenge is regularly $69 and you will be given lifetime access to the membership site.

Save $20 – special introductory price of $49 if you register before 29 September 2014

Click the button below to join us. Once you have participated in the Challenge you will have tidied and cleaned most of your home, learnt strategies and routines to help stay in control and keep the home clean and organised and freed yourself up to do the things you most want in life and to spend more time with family.


What past participants had to say

“It made me think about doing things as smaller tasks rather than being overwhelmed by what has to be done and then not doing it!”

“Made me love my home again”

“I loved this challenge. I loved the structure of the plan as the first room instantly changed the dynamics of my home. I loved the daily tasks as it made organising my home not so overwhelming. My main bedroom is gorgeous now and I have more solids sleeps due to reducing clutter.”

“The impact has been great. I have formed new habits of doing a regular amount each day and now I’m not trying to fit it all in at the weekend. Ticking the boxes helped me to see that progress was made. Sometimes all you can see after a busy day is what’s not done-but the list ticking made me feel good about my achievements. Still have areas that weren’t covered. Hope I can keep up the momentum!”

“Vast improvement to smother running of house, loved the new routines. Even the kids got into it!”

“I really can’t thank you enough for doing this and I can’t think of anything you could have done to make it better – you’ll never know the difference you’ve made in my life. I was very skeptical about the idea of a ‘routine’ for the mornings, it sounded so regimented and I’ve tried it before without any success but now I feel quite anxious if I haven’t done my morning things and it really only takes me about 10 minutes.  I’ve also found to my amazement that the cleaner and tidier the house is in general, the easier and quicker it is to attack those other tasks that only need doing now and then but make such a difference. Everything is getting cleaner and looking better, even the things that once wouldn’t have even been on my radar. There’s time to notice and there’s time to do. It actually feels as though I’m doing less but achieving more.”

You can have a clean home – and children too


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.