The Best Tip to Help Declutter your Clothes

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

One thing that I am sure we have way too much of is…..CLOTHES!! Clothes are one thing I find hard to let go of as I always have the thought, “I might wear that one day” or “I really like that”. Being that it’s the beginning of a new season it’s a great time to give your wardrobe a clean out and use my ‘coathanger method’.  This method is fabulous if you struggle to part with clothes and help you sort out what clothes to keep and which ones to hand down or donate, so you can really organise your closet and declutter your clothes!

Firstly, let’s make a start on determining which clothes you no longer wear, I would like you to either:

  • Turn all your coathangers and clothing the opposite way you usually hang them, or;
  • If your a nut like me and can’t stand coathangers the wrong way around, move your clothes over slightly, separating with a divider or hang in a different section of your closet.

When you have worn an item place it back in your closet in the original space with the coathanger the correct way around.  After 6 months all of the coathangers that are the wrong way around are an indication of items you haven’t worn.  If this is so, take the brave step to remove this item from your closet and donate to a friend or charity.


Worn and ripped clothing

While you are moving your coathangers the wrong way around, take time to look at your clothes and purge all the clothes that have holes, ripped, frankly anything that you are embarrassed to be seen in.  There is no need to hold onto these items.

Clothes too big

Good on you, you have done so well to lose weight and but why are you holding onto clothing you no longer fit into.  Throw them away, think positive, know you aren’t going to be needing those clothes, offer them to a friend or give to charity.  It will be a freeing experience, then you should celebrate afterwards!!!

Clothes too small

Yes, we all hope don’t we, maybe I will fit into that again one day.  Maybe you will, maybe you won’t, but let’s think positive, it’s great to keep onto them to save you money, but have you really had a good look through your pile.  Are you still holding onto clothes you wore a decade ago, has fashion changed, have you changed, are you really going to wear that mini skirt again?  I’m not too concerned that you are keeping clothes too small if you really are trying to diet, but please take the time to look through and access if you really will wear them again.

I challenge you… will you turn your coathangers??

I originally published this post on 10th February 2011, I have updated it with new photos.

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.