Task 15 – Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge – Craft Supplies

It’s week 15 of my Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge. If you haven’t signed up yet, join me today as I help you remove all those things in your home you no longer need or use.

You love getting creative, right? You love that your child can spring an Easter hat parade or a friend’s birthday on you, and you’ll be able to whip something up from your fabulous collection of glittery felty crafty goodness. If a rainy day rolls around and the kids are bored, you love that you have heaps of craft supplies to keep them happy. 

If you’re not whole-heartedly agreeing with what I’ve just said, don’t sweat it – I get it! When we have too many craft supplies (and believe me there is such a thing), it not only makes for a messy stressful room, it’s also incredibly impractical when it comes to actually creating something with the kids!

With the school holidays upon us, this decluttering task could not come at a better time.

Declutter house, organise the home, sort craft supplies. Organised mums.

The Declutter 52 things in 52 Week Challenge is completely FREE!!  I publish new task on the blog each Wednesday.  Sign up to my daily emails so you don’t miss when the next tasks is live. Alternatively, visit the blog each Wednesday to see the latest task.

Please share a photo of your space each week on Instagram using hashtag #declutter52 and tag @theorganisedhousewife

Decluttering Task #15

Craft Supplies

A few years ago I had to move my craft space into an even smaller space. I had to be ruthless with what I sold, donated, repurposed and threw, and smart about how I organised and stored the things that did make the cut. 

It was an emotional rollercoaster because some of the items I’d kept for years, and some had come from my Nan. I held on to these things thinking that it was in memory of her, but soon realised that I had plenty of cherished things in my life to remember her by. Once I made the decision to move some of these things on, I realised it freed me up to fill those spaces with things I used much more regularly instead.

  BLACKBOARD STYLE LABELS: Available from my online store here.

Craft storage. Organised craft area. Easy storage solutions.


Note: My definition of purge – sell, donate, repurpose or throw away items as you see fit

  • Take each craft supply out of where you store it. Think about whether you’re holding on to them for sentimental reasons, and if so, consider whether these memories and emotions could live on through other things in your life instead. 
  • Look at your craft supplies and see what storage solutions aren’t working.
  • Remove everything from the craft supplies, grouping like items together.
  • Determine what items you haven’t used in over 12 months and consider purging them.
  • Add any new and/or your current storage products in your cupboard to help you keep it organised.
  • Place items you don’t use often towards the back.

When I decluttered my craft supplies a few years ago, I donated many of my mother’s old quilting materials to charity, and instead chose to keep the completed quilts I had that she created for me.

Craft storage made easy. Craft with kids. Organising and decluttering craft room.

  READ MORE: Craft Room Storage Ideas

storage for craft supplies beautiful

  READ MORE: Create Your Own Positive Sticks to Help Decrease Anxiety

Positivity Sticks with Affirmations Perfect for Kids Reduce Anxiety in Kids

  HOMEMADE PLAYDOUGH: Create your own playdough, complete with printable labels

How many items have you been able to purge today?

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.