50+ Stress Buster Tips

Tackle everyday stress like a champion, with this comprehensive list of stress-fighting tips courtesy of The Organised Housewife community.

What should we do when we’re feeling stressed? It can be hard to answer this question when we’re in the grips of that cold-hearted callous beast we call stress, which is why I put this question to my Facebook community. The result was a comprehensive list of stress-busting tips that I simply had to share with you!

Now when you find yourself in a grumpy irritable funk, all you need do is look to this blog for a bunch of quick tips to relieve the tension, help you manage your stress, and ultimately turn that furrowed frown upside down!

Time With Your Tribe

“Play with my children, at the beach especially (at home I’m reminded of everything I’m behind on!). But my kids make me so happy all my stress and worries fade away when we get to be in our own little world.” – Danielle K

“Cuddle, kiss and bath with my babies, call (FaceTime) my family members and friends (5hr away from us).” – Amaali E

“Dog therapy! I wrap myself around my big girl until my breathing is the same as hers then listen to her heart beat.” – Sarah W

Time with children, family and pets to relieve stress

Sing To Soothe The Soul

“Sing! And sing loudly. The louder I sing, the more stress I feel I release out. I turn up the music loud and sing my heart out. I’ve joined the local pub choir and once a week I go there and after it’s finished I feel 100% better than I did when I walked in. Singing is good for my soul.” – Mel S

“Listen to my favourite music. Cranked up loud… always helps me.” – Nicole J

“Listen to Freddie Mercury & Queen music.” – Ali W

Treat Yourself

“Eat chocolate, then eat a little more chocolate, and then just a little more chocolate for good measure.” – Julie B

“I get a couple of DVDs make sure I’m in the house by myself, then I go back to bed, take a cup of tea, and just relax and watch a couple of movies.” – Kim S

“I didn’t think I was stressed, but that nearly empty packet of mint slices in the cupboard may say otherwise. Was supposed to be a treat for after sinus surgery next week, but sadly don’t think they will make it!” – Sarah G

“I don’t stress. It’s not worth it. You can only change 10% of what you stress about so why bother. Saying this I do have a wonderful life so if I didn’t maybe I would stress, and if I did I would go shopping for new shoes lol.” – Kathy B

Create A Plan

“Freak out, then set myself a list starting from the smallest task, then make my way through it to tackle whatever is stressing me out. After completing one I usually feel better and am reminded I can get through it.” – Emma N

“Generally first I need to clear clutter – whether it be on my desk or bench-top in the kitchen. Then I can brain dump into lists. Having a lists makes me feel more in control, I get a very clear picture of what I need to do, and then can start processing order of priority. Ticking things off, or highlighting also gives me that sense of accomplishment as I start to see more colour.” – Michelle D

“Healthy things: Write a list and make a plan. Unhealthy things: Stay up all night procrastinating starting some of the things on my list. Lol.” – Rachael E

“Lose my mind, then make lists of what to do or what needs paying etc and go from there. One thing at a time. I’m a list person they make me feel organised.” – Shantel D

  GET ORGANISED: Enjoy the satisfaction of ticking off a completed task with my A5 Things To-Do List Notepad

Manage stress and get organised with a pretty to-do list

Get a Natural High

“Walk in the fresh air. Sit in the sun. Eat chocolate! Talk to a good friend/family member. Pray. Cuddle my babies.” – Kelle G

“Go for a walk, it helps or any kind of exercise. I always used to say to myself tomorrow is another day and will be better.” – Yvonne B

“Sit outside and breathe. Take a walk in the woods. Use essential oils. Pray.” – Lynne V

“Breathe, light a candle and crank up the classical music with a coffee in the garden. It brings me back down gently.” – Moira L

“Cup of tea, walk outside, or stand in patch of sunlight inside. Sometimes hot shower (yay we have a working shower).” – Marita S

“Head phones in and walk… usually to the beach where I have a beautiful spot I can sit relax and lose myself in the waves and ocean smell. Works every time.” – Chantelle L

“Walk barefooted on the grass and just concentrate on my breathing.” – Richelle L

Get Oily

“My body typically gives me signs. Then I reach for my oils. Did you know there’s an oil for that?!” – Fat Girl Slim

“Essential oils, mindfulness, fresh air and gratitude.” – Anna W

“Diffuse or roll on essential oils (Balance) and have a coffee. At night I will listen to meditation/calming music too.” – Dellayne P

  SHOP: Create a sense of calm, well-being and balance with our range of essential oils and diffusers

Essential oils to help you relax and be happyMedicine For The Mind

“I do NY Times Sunday Crossword Puzzles. I have books of them. They absorb my mind and work off my stress mentally.” – Rita D

“Go for a walk or turn on my Calm app, put the earphones in, and zone out for 10-15 minutes. It really does work.” – Janice J

“Daily meditation whether I feel stressed or not. It gives me a lot more resilience.” – Robyn R

“Read LOTS and LOTS of books… which explains why I’ve read 26 books this year (last year it was 4).” – Rj P

…Or Medicine For The Body

“Recently I’ve started to walk again – just half an hour but I listen to podcasts. That really helps just refocus. Often loud music can help me. A snooze sometimes.” – Lisa B

“Getting to the gym regularly has really helped me manage my stress.” – Marita S

“I do my training with T25 which is a hard core workout. This helps me knock out the stress, but everyone is different. I find also listening to some really good dance music is good too (no sad songs).” – Lisa B

“Running around the block or cycling or walking. It’s best in the morning when your legs need to move around a bit.” – Naina I

Let Your Creativity Flow

“Knitting with controlled breathing meditation – the repetitive gentle click of needles and soft yarn is very soothing.” – Denise S

“I go in my sewing room and cut patterns and material for dog toys, coats ect, or plan a new quilt. Planing a new project is peace to my Virgo mind.” – Rosalie K

…Or Maybe Just Let The Tears Flow.

“Have the coldest shower I can stand and cry, I find it helps to lower my core temp and lowers my anxiety… working in my garden also really helps!” – Allison S

Get Your Domestic Groove On

“Depends on what the stress is, but cleaning like a crazy lady helps the most. Sometimes if it’s emotional stress I just use the oils and go to sleep.” – Kerri B

“Cook up a storm with music blaring dancing around the kitchen. Cheers me right up and stress melts away.” – Vicki F

“Bake and bake. I find the measuring, cutting, mixing, etc. so soothing. Takes my mind off things and then I get to share my bake with family and friends.” – Fiona P

  GET BAKING: Check out 50+ freezer friendly recipes perfect for school lunch boxes in my Lunch Box Recipe Cookbook

Relieve stress by cooking and baking

“Reality is I don’t eat and the house gets cleaned. In my head I’d like to think I walk and drink wine.” – Hill F

“I organise my junk drawer, or my closet. I kondo fold all my t-shirts.” – Susan B

Catch Some Zzz’s

“Sleep when I’m going through my bad anxiety and stress sleep is the only thing that helps.” – Tamsin R

“Take a nap and pretend nothing is wrong lol.” – Jessie M

A Mixture Of Methods

“Deep breath and put on some calm music, write lists and remind myself to focus on one thing at a time, prioritise most urgent. I also have some natural stuff I use.  I walk on the beach or treadmill, get out in the garden, and meditate. Depends on why I am stressed too. Ringing a friend is good.” – Chris M

“It depends on what type of stress! Yes oils, herbal teas, music, rest, gardening, singing, meditation etc are all great! But sometimes a good old game of Candy Crush does wonders to distract my mind.” – Tamara C

“Breath, listen to music, watch a movie, have a bath, walk through nature or beach, burn essential oils, get a massage, acknowledge how I am feeling and try to understand why, read a good book, cook something delicious made with love, do boxing.” – Samantha P

Channel Your Spiritual Side

“I usually say a silent prayer for peace.” – Paula K

“Breathe, pray, give my family a cuddle.” – Brittany R

“Pray. Sing, praise and worship music. Talk to God.” – Dana W

Get Some Perspective

“Try to find the good and the remarkable in everyday things, count my blessings and remember that in the grand scheme of things none of the stressors that stress me momentarily will even hit the radar this time next month or year, depending on the scale of the thing!” – Amy K

“Meditate, walk out in nature, journal, coffee with a friend… and then remind myself that it’s all first world problems.” – Tara M

“Saying to myself repeatedly that tomorrow is another day and I’ll be fine, I’ll be okay.” – Aanirotciv O.N.

  A CUTE REMINDER: Remember to look after yourself with my ‘Take Time To Make Your Soul Happy Print’

Take time to make your soul happy positive print

If All This Fails? Embrace Your Grumpiness!

“Lash out with inappropriate comments and dark humour.” – Johanna P

“Generally just rage, rush around like a mad woman and yell at anyone that dares get close enough.” – Sonja P

“I tend to yell which makes me feel better. Then take deep breathes, have a cuppa and then get on with it.” – Angelina K

  READ MORE: Zone out and forget your stresses with this list of Top 25 Best Books To Read

Top 25 Best Books To Read


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.