Task 14 – Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge – Calming Our Minds

It’s week 14 of my Declutter 52 Things in 52 Weeks Challenge. If you haven’t signed up yet, join me today as I help you remove all those things in your home you no longer need or use.

It’s easy to focus on the physical clutter that is all around us, but what about the things we can’t see? What about our busy minds? As a mum, I know how full my mind can get, and how easy it can be to forget things. Clearing our minds allows us the space to be truly present in each moment, and to deal better with the tasks immediately at hand.

The Declutter 52 things in 52 Week Challenge is completely FREE!!  I publish a new task on the blog each Wednesday.  Sign up to my daily emails so you don’t miss when the next tasks is live. Alternatively, visit the blog each Wednesday to see the latest task.

Please share a photo of your space each week on Instagram using hashtag #declutter52 and tag @theorganisedhousewife

Decluttering Task #14


Before I had kids I had a fantastic memory.  I used to work in the accounts department for a tourism company in my early 20s and I could easily remember numbers and know the names of over 100 employees, but these days it’s just not the same.  After I had kids I called it baby brain, but now my youngest is 14 that’s no excuse, my memory is just not the same.  I need to write down events as soon as I learn about them, otherwise there is a big likelihood I will forget about them.

Decluttering our minds is just as important as our homes! A clear calm mind allows us the space to to be truely present in each moment, and to deal better with the tasks immediately at hand.



Use your calendar or diary that you purchased at the beginning of the year, and use it to make your days easier. Add to it:

  • all upcoming events
  • birthdays
  • anniversaries
  • due dates
  • holidays
  • appointments
  • school events
  • social gatherings
  • don’t forget Easter is approaching, include any gatherings you may have around this time.

  SHOP: The Organised Housewife 2020 Wall Calendar and Weekly Planner

The best 2020 weekly planner and wall calendar for getting organised

  READ MORE: How I Manage My Anxiety Using Essential Oils

Decluttering our minds is just as important as our homes! A clear calm mind allows us the space to to be truely present in each moment, and to deal better with the tasks immediately at hand.

How good is your memory?

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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.