Whisper Words of Wisdom – Let it Be

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife

I have just sat through a binge watching session of Glee with my Miss 13. I have enjoyed watching this series with her.  It’s not my ideal TV series but a lovely way to spend quiet down time together. In one of the episodes the cast sang the song Let it Be, this song instantly sent be back to my childhood. It got me thinking, my family has gone to bed but I felt the urge to stay up and write to you all.

Do you feel sometimes you hear or see things and it’s like the universe, or something else out of the ordinary, is telling you something?  Realistically it’s just all coincidental timing, but I interpreted it as my ‘angel’ mum, telling me to ‘let it be’.  She used to hover around me many evenings while I was practising this song when I was younger. When I was a child I played the organ. It’s a very old school instrument, but none the less, mum loved listening to me and was very dedicated to taking me to lessons each week for 9 years.  I used to love this song, I would play and sing loudly to it, especially when I was feeling emotional.

Today I got upset with a loved one, it was silly but it hurt. One of those things where their actions made me sad and unappreciated, but they don’t see it. I got home and told my hubby about it, it has just been on my mind all day, consumed me too much.  Hearing this song instantly made me think of mum making me feel like she was ‘whispering words of wisdom, let it be’….. I will Mum!

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I have been reading over the past few days on facebook and other blogs that many people have not enjoyed 2016 and ready to see the back of it.  I feel like I have had an emotionally draining year, I’m ready to see the end of it and start freshly in 2017.  I have already implemented changes to ensure it’s off to a great start, I’ll share more in a blog post in the next week or so, but one I started just before Christmas was to quickly stop negative thoughts and have good vibes only.

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I had some great achievements this year, early on I set the goal to create a physical 2017 calendar, I have worked with some amazing brands here on the blog, gave my blog and shop a theme makeover (doing it all myself), helped two local uni students learn more about blogging giving them experience working with me through an internship, was called Australia’s Most Helpful Blogger and Australia’s new Budgeting Guru by Channel 9 News, my calendar went to print, I love that blogging is my job, my career, I enjoy waking up each day to share the simplest of things with you like, how often you should change your bed sheets or organising the home knowing that it will help so many.  I continue to raise 3 amazing children who along with my hubby fill my hearts with so much joy, plus many more good moments in between.

But also this year there were some harder moments. It all started after I found a rapidly growing melanoma, it was scary and I had to be off my feet for 3 weeks, which I found very frustrating, but thankful I found the nasty spot. Winter struck me twice with horrible head colds, which meant I was bed (or couch) bound for longer than I would have liked. I don’t do sitting still well. We sadly farewelled my Nan-in-law. I’ve put on weight, not happy, enough said. An unexpected element was my blogger representation agency, who helped introduce me to brands, decided to take their business in a new direction, ceasing to represent bloggers.  It’s hard to explain. Which makes me think one day, if you’re interested, I should explain it to you, as I get asked a lot how do bloggers make money? It is/was with the help of the blogger agency.  I spend every hour my children are at school on the blog, it’s comforting to know financially I had an agent to help me find work, to help put food on the table to feed my family and pay for the costs to run the blog. Anyway… one day we met for coffee, the next day I no longer had the representation.  At the time I was upset because I didn’t have the knowledge or time to do it myself, I had a couple of truly hard weeks as it devastated me. My emails continue to play up and my internet speed is so slow in this new house which both make me go a little crazy some days. Also this year I’ve had new parenting experience, my kids are all soon to be 12, 14 and 14 with hormones kicking in, testing boundaries and arguing with each other. I have found parenting more challenging this year than previous recent years.  And… I think I am grieving that in 2017 all my kids are in high school.  They are growing up far too quickly for my liking.

I’m going to Let 2016 Be
and have Good Vibes only in 2017!

I already know 2017 is going to be a good one, I’ve ensured that it will have the best start possible:

  • it’s been good to have some time out with the kids over the past month, helping them reconnect as siblings and spend time with each of them individually.
  • There is so much involved with running the blog and I have been feeling a little overwhelmed. So last week I offered one of my interns a part-time job to work with me next year, I am thrilled she has agreed and starts next week.
  • I feel uber proud that without a blogging agent I have managed to negotiate some work with a few brands all by myself. It wasn’t until I was put into the situation and set my mind to it that I could do it.  I can’t believe I allowed self doubt to take over.
  • I shared this photo below on Instagram a few days ago.  It was my birthday, the caption was:

it’s a glorious day for a birthday!! My family are spoiling me ? With one more year till I’m 40 ? i have set myself a few goals, look after my health, embrace my shape, fill my wardrobe with colorful clothes and not hide behind the camera. So i purchased myself a new dress and share my smile with you. Hope your all having a wonderful day too xx

I think this one photo hit record for the year, more likes and comment than any other.  I feel completely humbled and loved by the words so many lovely ladies in the community shared.

As I hit publish on this post, it’s just after midnight, I’m tired so I’m not going to fuss on the spelling and grammar, it’s raw, real, how I am feeling and I am sure so many can relate that you’re ready for the new year too!

Will you Let 2016 Be too? Start fresh for 2017

Happy New Year to each of you in this beautiful community xx


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About Me

My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

My Story

As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.