Weekly Family Meal Plan #115

by Katrina - The Organised Housewife
This weekly family meal plan is a hearty mix of wholesome and meaty dishes that comes courtesy of one of our lovely community members.
Every household is different – which means every meal plan is different. With every reader-influenced meal plan I blog about, I’m introduced to so many recipes with fabulous new flavours, food combinations and opportunities to bring them to The Organised Housewife family. One of our lovely community members, Maree, has inspired this week’s menu plan that is simply bursting with inspiration.

Find more of my meal planning tips here:

Silicone Bakeware

ARE YOU ON INSTAGRAM? – If you make any of these recipes, please share a photo, tag @theorgansiedhousewife and add hashtag it #TOHDinners  – I’d love to see what you’re cooking!


Steak and Salad – Incredibly tasty yet incredibly simple. This yummy steak and salad can be made with just about any salad toppings, making it adaptable to almost any family. With the kids’ help, Maree topped hers with avocado, beetroot and spinach.

  Find this Steak and Salad recipe here.

steak and salad with avocado, beetroot and salad


Fettuccine Marinara – Maree made an incredible Italian dish that oozes delicious-ness and has the perfect combination  of savoury, saucy and delicious-ness. This weekly family meal dish is both aesthetically pleasing and super tasty.

  Find this Fettuccine Marinara recipe here.

pasta with tomato sauce topped with parsley


Lamb Stir Fry – My Mongolian Lamb Stir Fry is an easy and yummy addition to a 7-day meal plan. Maree paired hers with rice and vegetables. This is a great meal for adding the veggies of your choice.

  Find my Mongolian Lamb Stir Fry recipe here.

Lamb with vegetables of bell pepper with a side of rice


Fish and Soba Noodles – Maree’s delicate dish is the perfect way to get through the rest of the week. This is a yummy dish to pair with olives and a sprinkle of black sesame seeds.

  Find this Fish and Soba Noodles recipe here.

soba noodles with salmon, olives topped with black sesame seeds


Pork Ribs – Maree’s gorgeously glazed Pork Ribs are the perfect way to finish the school-week. You can buy pre-packaged pork ribs from your local butchery or supermarket. When making this with the kids, a few side dishes that I incorporate are a refreshing salad or homemade bread.

  Find this Pork Ribs recipe here.

glazed pork ribs straight out of the grill, placed on paper on a steel plate


Chicken Parma – Maree is certainly not alone in plating up this Aussie classic! A parmi makes the perfect lazy Saturday meal. Pair it with a side salad or hot chips for a crowd pleasing feed the whole family will love!

  Find this Chicken Parma recipe here.

crumbled chicken topped with tomato sauce, melted cheese and a dash of parsley


Roast Pork Loin – I love a Sunday roast, and I can certainly second Maree’s choice to go with a flavoursome pork loin roast. The pork can slowly roast while the house is getting cleaned or whilst you’re playing with the kids.

  Find this Roast Pork Loin recipe here.

stuffed pork loin wrapped with string, topped with herbs of fennel


Mango and Passionfruit Muffins– These muffins make for a a tasty sweet treat during the week, or pop them in the kids’ lunchboxes for a perfect addition to their school lunches.

  Find my Mango and Passionfruit Muffins recipe here.

muffins with fresh mangoes and passionfruit seeds

What is on your meal plan this week?

Please share your family’s weekly meal plan in the comments below. I’ll pick one to share every few weeks instead of mine as it’s great to get variety and share what other families eat too!

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{PINimage}Family friendly weekly meal plan

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My mission is to inspire and empower others to achieve a sense of order and balance in their homes, enabling them to easily tackle daily tasks so then the rest of the day is filled with activities that bring them joy.

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As a popular blogger, influencer, and author, I draw from my expertise in home organisation, cleaning, and meal planning to offer practical tips and heartfelt encouragement to my audience.