A friend of mine recently created this Family Fun Activity Jar. I thought it was a fabulous idea, thankfully she took a photo and doesn’t mind me sharing it with you.
She says “Instead of trying to decide what to do on a weekend we will let fate decide for us. At the end of each week we do a lucky dip and that’s what we do together on the weekend”.
She has used coloured paddled pop sticks which can be found in the craft section at most dollar stores. Using a Sharpie write down the different activities ideas onto each stick Thinking of different ideas would be a great family activity do to together, some could be:
- cricket at the beach or local park
- picnic in the mountains
- BBQ along the water
- do a bushwalk
- make paper planes
- scooter ride at a specific location
- kick at ball at favourite field
- visit a specific restaurant
- find a park you haven’t visited before
- visit a local museum
- invite specific friends over
- go fishing
- ….. the list could be endless!
Have fun coming up with ideas for your family days out!